发明名称 Method of client development and retention for restauraunts
摘要 A method of developing and retaining clients is provided. The method may comprise the step of entering into an agreement between a promoter and a restaurant. The restaurant may agree to provide preferred, priority, and/or guaranteed seating to certain patrons redeeming tickets sold by the promoter. The method may also comprise the step of selling dining packages to patrons wherein the dining packages may comprise a plurality of tickets redeemable at various participating restaurants. The method may also comprise the steps of collecting patron data from participating restaurants and updating the patron record and the restaurant data as the tickets are being redeemed. The method may also comprise the step of sending a summary of the updated records of the patron and the restaurant to the patron and the restaurant, respectively. The method may also comprise the step of sending a percentage of the revenues generated by the sales of the dining packages to the participating restaurants on a periodic basis.
申请公布号 US2007005453(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.01.04
申请号 US20060450792 申请日期 2006.06.09
分类号 G06Q30/00 主分类号 G06Q30/00
代理机构 代理人