发明名称 Analysis of boundary and/or initial value problems in thin objects and spaces
摘要 A method for simplifying engineering analysis of CAD geometric models, one which retains much of the accuracy of detailed finite element (FE) analysis while avoiding its computational burdens, is described. A skeleton, such as an exact or approximate medial mesh, is defined within the model, and the skeleton is then meshed. Known field values (physical values of interest, and/or their derivatives) are then "projected" onto the skeleton, as by interpolation or coordinate transformation, and these field values and the governing equations for the model and its engineering problem are then used to solve for unknown field values across all or desired portions of the skeletal mesh. The newly-determined field values may then be projected outwardly from the skeletal mesh to the remainder of the geometric model, again via interpolation or other methods. The method is found to be particularly efficient and accurate (again in comparison to standard FE methods) when applied to thin geometric objects, e.g., metal or plastic sheet, ribbed plates, thin cavities in plastics-forming molds, etc.
申请公布号 US2006277008(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.12.07
申请号 US20050143294 申请日期 2005.06.02
分类号 G06F17/10 主分类号 G06F17/10
代理机构 代理人