发明名称 Kinetic device and method for producing visual displays
摘要 A visual display device is constructed which uses the "persistence of vision" effect of human vision and responds to kinetic motions of the user as the device is held and swung by an operator. Displays may consist of alphanumeric and graphic data with image symmetry not required. A microcontroller adjusts the display to conform to the speed and width of the users swing, synchronizing the display to the users motions. Both the user and viewers of the device are enabled to see the displayed images correctly oriented and stable within the path of the swinging device. The user is provided with visual and or audio feedback, which helps in coordinating a steady swing, and gives an indication of the orientation of the displayed data. The device is fabricated in such a way that costs are at a minimum, allowing this technology to be used in widespread disposable or reusable applications. The technology is expanded to displays in which the viewer provides the kinetic motion and the device is held stationary.
申请公布号 US7142173(B2) 申请公布日期 2006.11.28
申请号 US20010003988 申请日期 2001.10.31
申请人 发明人
分类号 G09G3/00;G09F9/33 主分类号 G09G3/00
代理机构 代理人