发明名称 Fast object detection for augmented reality systems
摘要 A detection method is based on a statistical analysis of the appearance of model patches from all possible viewpoints in the scene, and incorporates 3D geometry during both matching and pose estimation processes. By analyzing the computed probability distribution of the visibility of each patch from different viewpoints, a reliability measure for each patch is estimated. That reliability measure is useful for developing industrial augmented reality applications. Using the method, the pose of complex objects can be estimated efficiently given a single test image. In a fast method to detect objects in a given image or video sequence, a series of hierarchical feature descriptors permit balancing between the complexity of feature extraction and cost of combinatorial matching. The feature descriptors are derived from the 3D model of the object of interest along with the available calibrated real-life images or videos. The variability of the real-life images defines the granularity of the feature descriptors.
申请公布号 US2006233423(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.10.19
申请号 US20060405838 申请日期 2006.04.18
分类号 G06K9/00 主分类号 G06K9/00
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