发明名称 An improvement to high pressure hydraulic breech mechanisms
摘要 By providing an annular chamber 7 and a vent 11 to the radial gap between bolt 10 and high pressure cylinder 3,located between a seal 8 and a body of fluid 13 the operating range of the seal 8 will not be exceeded . The flow rate of fluid from reservoir 13 into the annular chamber 7 is resrtricted by the radial gap between bolt 10 and high pressure cylinder 3 . The cross sectional area of both annular chamber 7 and vent 11 are greater than that of the radial gap between bolt 10 and high pressure cylinder 3 therefore fluid cannot enter annular chamber 7 at sufficient rate to cause a pressure rise in annular chamber 7 thus seal 8 is isolated from fluid at pressures above its safe operating range . Similar protection may be applied to any seal in the mechanism .
申请公布号 EP1712869(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.10.18
申请号 EP20060007489 申请日期 2006.04.10
分类号 F41A3/90 主分类号 F41A3/90
代理机构 代理人