发明名称 Automatic perspective distortion detection and correction for document imaging
摘要 A method and apparatus for detecting and correcting perspective distortion for document imaging is described. The document template of the present invention contains special markers that define the corners of the document. One of these markers, different from the others, uniquely identifies a particular corner. When an image of a document is captured and it is found to contain perspective distortion, the smallest rectangle that encloses the special markers in the captured image is calculated and geometric transforms are used to map the special markers in the captured image to the corners of the smallest rectangle. To correct for orientation errors during image capture, the captured image is rotated based on the location of the unique marker. The present invention can also provide feedback to the operator as the image is being captured. This feedback guides the operator to properly align the image reader for substantially perspective distortion-free imaging.
申请公布号 US2006210192(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.09.21
申请号 US20050082588 申请日期 2005.03.17
分类号 G06K9/40 主分类号 G06K9/40
代理机构 代理人