发明名称 Map based estimations, and information search
摘要 Typically a family relocating to a new place is faced in making a number of decisions with respect to identifying a location to live. Identification of such a location, is dependent on the distances from places of work and the amenities available at the various locations that fit the distances criteria. During the process of identification there is a need to generate the routes between the locations for a quick assessment of the commuting involved between the locations and even generate the driving instructions between the locations so marked on the map. Current software maps and related software do not have an easy way to identify the regions on the map that meet the distance criteria and then to connect the address on the map to specific information. The current invention creates an easy way to use a map to, estimate distances of the various towns/cities around the target locations. generate routes connecting locations and directions without having to know the zip codes to the locations visually marked on the map and generate driving directions associated with the routes. research amenities availability around the target location. create report consolidating the information pertinent to the user needs. Using a map that can be marked enables an easy graphical method of identifying areas that meet the distance criteria, the connecting routes and obtain information associated with the areas pertinent to the user requirements.
申请公布号 US2006122767(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.06.08
申请号 US20040006377 申请日期 2004.12.07
分类号 G01C21/00 主分类号 G01C21/00
代理机构 代理人