发明名称 Pecan tree 'EXCEL' variety
摘要 The new variety "EXCEL" pecan tree is an early bearing tree with fruit maturing and ready for harvest about the 1<SUP>st </SUP>week in October. The new "EXCEL" tree actually blooms out later than the popular "Stuart" variety yet this new variety actually produces mature nuts that ripen earlier. The tree displays a semi-dwarf type growth with small twiglets, yet the nut has the general size and shape of the "Desirable" pecan variety. The fruit has a thick shell and an excellent quality that yields about 51%. The final bloom is red and the catkins are long and thin. The tree has also shown to be disease resistant as well as insect resistant for the foliage. The foliage is somewhat sparse, which allows for better sunlight penetration and air circulation. On the worst of conditions, the "EXCEL" has shown no scab on the nuts. The tree is precocious (early bearing) as well as prolyfic (heavy bearing).
申请公布号 US16575(P3) 申请公布日期 2006.05.30
申请号 US20040806673 申请日期 2004.03.23
分类号 A01H5/00;A01H5/08 主分类号 A01H5/00
代理机构 代理人