发明名称 System and method for saving the rainforests
摘要 The destruction of the rainforests in the last decades has become the biggest crime against humanity and against nature and against other entire species of animals, and also the biggest irreversible folly of the late 20<SUP>th </SUP>century and beginning of the 21<SUP>st</SUP>. Various statistics show that at the current rate of destruction, unless drastic changes are made right now, by the year 2020 or even considerably earlier, 90-100% of all the rainforests will be irrevocably destroyed, causing damages that will take MILLIONS OF YEARS to repair, if at all. More plant and animal species will go through extinction within our generation than have been lost through natural causes over the past two hundred million years. This massive deforestation and extinction, which is continuing to increase at an accelerated rate, brings with it many ugly consequences, including but not limited to: Air and water pollution, soil erosion, malaria epidemics, the release of more CO2 into the atmosphere, decrease of Oxygen for us to breathe, more increase in the global warming, and of course the irrevocable loss of huge biodiversity and with them for example the loss of many potentially highly important plants and medicines. The present invention tries to solve this horrible situation by creating an organization and method for motivating as many people as possible to take immediate action-by creating a strong financial incentive that makes helping preserve the rain forests much more profitable than destroying them. Preferably the idea of sustainable harvesting is combined with the idea of selling real acres to people, so that instead of buying something only on paper, preferably an organization or multiple organizations are created, which make sure that the acres that were bought for example from the governments of the relevant countries, are indeed under supervision and protection and that preferably as many of them as possible are preferably also used for sustainable harvesting. The acres themselves can be for example actual specific acres as defined for example by exact coordinates on a map, or for example virtual or "floating" acres, that are not bound to a single location but are more like shares in the organization that sells and takes care of these acres. This is preferably combined with a recursive multi-level marketing plan with various sophisticated improvements over the prior art.
申请公布号 US2006095284(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.05.04
申请号 US20050164015 申请日期 2005.11.07
分类号 G06Q99/00;G06Q40/00 主分类号 G06Q99/00
代理机构 代理人