发明名称 Automatic double-action wafer punching machine and process for cutting/punching wafers.
摘要 <p>The automatic double waffle stamping machine, to cut and stamp waffles, has an alternating action between the two workstations. The waffles are placed at a stacking station (A) to be transferred in layers to a feed point (B) to be taken separately on a pressure plate into one of the workstations (C). The pressure plate is raised to press the waffle against a die, with vacuum to hold it in place while the plate is lowered to be cleaned by compressed air. The die (W1) with the stamped waffle moves into the packing station (D1) where the waffle is pushed clear to drop into an open carton (E1). The other die (W2) at the second workstation stamps a waffle while the first station is delivering its load with the same sequence as the first so that they are working alternately.</p>
申请公布号 EP1639895(A2) 申请公布日期 2006.03.29
申请号 EP20050018554 申请日期 2005.08.26
分类号 A21C11/10;A21C15/00 主分类号 A21C11/10
代理机构 代理人