发明名称 Cache memory and method for handling effects of external snoops colliding with in-flight operations internally to the cache
摘要 A cache memory that completes an in-flight operation with another cache that collides with a snoop operation, rather than canceling the in-flight operation. Operations to the cache comprise a query pass and one or more finish passes. When the cache detects a snoop query intervening between the query pass and a finish pass of the in-flight operation, the cache generates a more up-to-date status for the snoop query that takes into account the tag status to which the in-flight finish pass will update the implicated cache line. This is necessary because otherwise the snoop query might not see the affect of the in-flight finish pass status update. This allows the in-flight finish pass to complete instead of being cancelled and the snoop finish pass to correctly update the status after the in-flight finish pass, and to provide modified data from the cache line to the externally snooped transaction.
申请公布号 US2006064552(A9) 申请公布日期 2006.03.23
申请号 US20020266018 申请日期 2002.10.08
分类号 G06F12/00;G06F12/08 主分类号 G06F12/00
代理机构 代理人