发明名称 Chest tube drainage system
摘要 A system for draining the chest cavity of a patient subjected to a traumatic chest injury and/or to surgery within the chest. The system includes a small, portable suction device and a chest tube with an improved terminal structure. A number of embodiments of the suction device are disclosed; the first (with two variations) a small, completely disposable, bottle-shaped assembly comprising a motor/pump section, a power section, and a desiccant filled chamber, the second (also with two variations) a small box shaped assembly with a disposable desiccant pouch and a power supply that mounts to a battery charger positioned on an IV pole. A number of chest tube terminus structures are disclosed, including multi-lumen structures having high-airflow and low-airflow lumens as well as "dead" and "live" lumens. Fenestrations are variously positioned between and through the lumens in order to collect coagulated components of the extracted fluids and prevent them from clogging the primary flow tube and restricting or preventing continuous airflow.
申请公布号 US2006036221(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.02.16
申请号 US20050200837 申请日期 2005.08.10
分类号 A61M1/00 主分类号 A61M1/00
代理机构 代理人