发明名称 Method of converting a mixer-grinder unit into a seed tender unit
摘要 A method of modifying a grinder-mixer unit into a seed tender unit includes the steps of providing a grinder having a frame, a generally upright bin, a mixing auger within the bin, a grinding device and an outlet device. The outlet device and the grinding device are removed from the frame. A seed output opening is formed in the bin and a false floor plate is mounted within the bin to direct seed towards the opening, and a seed transfer device having a lower end and an upper end is connected at the lower end to the seed output opening, a seed feed control device is interposed therebetween and the seed transfer device is connected to a power device for engaging the seed transfer device to transfer seed from the lower end to the upper end of the seed transfer device.
申请公布号 US6997123(B2) 申请公布日期 2006.02.14
申请号 US20040818082 申请日期 2004.04.05
分类号 A01C1/00;A01C7/08;A01C15/00;A01C17/00 主分类号 A01C1/00
代理机构 代理人