发明名称 System and method for optimizing processing speed to run multiple dialogs between multiple users and a virtual agent
摘要 A speech dialog management system where each dialog is capable of supporting one or more turns of conversation between a user and virtual agent using any one or combination of a communications interface and data interface. The system includes compiled application libraries, which determine the recognition, response, and flow control in a dialog with a user. A process of execution of a compiled application library runs throughout the conversation, putting itself into a dormant state in between processing of the communications from the user. A script manager brokers information between the processes of execution of the compiled application libraries and many communications with users.
申请公布号 US2006031853(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.02.09
申请号 US20050145540 申请日期 2005.06.03
分类号 G06F9/44;G10L15/22;H04M3/493 主分类号 G06F9/44
代理机构 代理人