发明名称 Method and apparatus for automated selection, organization, and recommendation of items based on user preference topography
摘要 A computer system representing user preferences in an N-dimensional preference topography and making recommendations based on such topography. The preference topography depicts user ratings of products in a recommendation database. Each product is represented by a product vector associated with N objectively measurable characteristics. The user rating of a product, therefore, represents the user's preference for the particular combination of the N objectively measurable characteristics making up the product. In making a recommendation of products to the user, the system assigns a rating to each product in the recommendation database based on the preference topography. The system then selects a plurality of maximally unique choices from the rated products for recommendation to the user. These maximally unique choices are calculated to be as diverse from one another as possible but still to the user's liking. In another embodiment of the invention, the system identifies portions of the N-dimensional rating space for which the user has indicated a positive association (a positive preference cluster) or a negative association (a negative preference cluster). In making a recommendation of a potential product, the system determines the similarities of products that fall in the positive preference cluster with the potential product. The system also takes into account the products that fall in the nearest negative cluster and determines the similarities with such products and the potential product. In one particular aspect of the invention, the system presents a virtual character for making the usage of the system more user-friendly and interesting. The virtual character is programmed to interact with the user for obtaining user ratings of products and thus determining where the user preferences lie.
申请公布号 US2006026048(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.02.02
申请号 US20050236274 申请日期 2005.09.26
分类号 G06F9/44;G06Q30/00 主分类号 G06F9/44
代理机构 代理人