发明名称 Method and apparatus for the treatment of presbyopia and glaucoma by ciliary body ablation
摘要 Laser and non-laser means to remove a portion of the ciliary body tissue for the treatment of presbyopia and glaucoma are disclosed. Mechanisms based on elasticity increase the sclera-ciliary-body and zonule "complex" is proposed. Total accommodation based a lens relaxation and lanes anterior shift is calculated. The preferred embodiments for the ablation patterns include radial lines, curved lines, ring dots or any non-specific shapes in a symmetric geometry. The surgery apparatus includes lasers in UV (0.19 to 0.35 micron) and IR (2.8 to 3.2) micron, and non-laser device of radio frequency wave, electrode device, bipolar device and plasma-assisted device. Post-operation medication such as pilocarpine (0.5%-5%) or medicines with similar to reduce postoperative regression or enhance the accommodation is presented. A much deeper, about (0.8-1.4) mm, ablation depth supraciliary body is proposed for (50%/-200%) greater accommodation than the prior arts based on superficial scleral ablation or expansion.
申请公布号 US2005279369(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.12.22
申请号 US20040871903 申请日期 2004.06.21
申请人 LIN J T 发明人 LIN J. T.
分类号 A61F9/008;A61F9/013;(IPC1-7):A61F9/013 主分类号 A61F9/008
代理机构 代理人