发明名称 Method of manufacturing mess sponges
摘要 The present invention discloses a method of manufacturing mess sponges comprised of a sponge, a rope and a binder by using a folding method to repeatedly fold the sponge for several times into a flower-shaped structure having a plurality of pedals and a pistils/stamina. Since the sponge has a high density and adhesiveness for the soap and a powerful rubbing and scrubbing effect, which can be used for scrubbing a dirtier position of our body. The flower-shaped structure can also clean the smoother and softer parts of our body, and thus can greatly enhance the convenience of scrubbing human body, since the flower-shaped structure has a plurality of pedals and pistils/stamina. The present invention not only has a better appearance than other shower scrubbing tools, but also provides a more convenient way for its use.
申请公布号 US2005264089(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.12.01
申请号 US20040852217 申请日期 2004.05.25
分类号 A46D3/00;A47K7/02;(IPC1-7):A46D3/00 主分类号 A46D3/00
代理机构 代理人