发明名称 System and method for safe disablement of mobile pieces of equipment (MPEs)
摘要 A system for safe disablement of a mobile piece of equipment (MPE) in which an onboard processor (CPU) includes a component control unit (CCU) coupled to a critical operational component of the MPE. The CCU is operable to effect immobilization of the MPE in a first mode of operation and to enable the critical operational component in second more of operation. Using an integral communications interface, the CPU can be accessed by a cellular telephone network, pager signal, RF transmission, or via a satellite network. A software algorithm initiates a Disable Procedure which continuously queries the binary status of the key power circuit at preset intervals to determine if it is on or off. If the status of the key power circuit remains off for a predetermined interval, the critical component is then disabled by actuating the CCU. A disable command can originate remotely using wireless transmission means. The disablement can also be automatic based on calendar and geographic location parameters. Disablement is also effected when system tampering is detected.
申请公布号 US2005242971(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.11.03
申请号 US20040991963 申请日期 2004.11.17
分类号 G08C17/02;(IPC1-7):G08C19/04 主分类号 G08C17/02
代理机构 代理人