发明名称 Mechanism for maintaining cache consistency in computer systems
摘要 A mechanism and method for maintaining cache consistency in computer systems. When a request transfers exclusive access to a cache block from an active device D 1 to a second active device D 2, the sending of the data from D 1 terminates D 1' s access rights to the block and the reception of the data at D 2 initiates its access rights. When a request changes exclusive access to a cache block at an active device D 1 to a shared state with an active device D 2, the sending of the data from D 1 terminates D 1' s exclusive access right and the arrival of the data at D 2 initiates its access rights. When a request transfers a cache block from a shared state to exclusive access at an active device D 2, the access rights at all active devices other than D 2 and the active device which owns the cache block are terminated upon reception of the request, the access right of the active device that owns the cache block is terminated when it sends the data, and the exclusive access right at D 2 is initiated when D 2 has received the data from the previous owner.
申请公布号 US6928519(B2) 申请公布日期 2005.08.09
申请号 US20020185257 申请日期 2002.06.28
分类号 G06F12/08;G06F15/16;G06F15/177;(IPC1-7):G06F13/18 主分类号 G06F12/08
代理机构 代理人