发明名称 Enhanced sensitivity differential refractometer measurement cell
摘要 A sensitivity-enhanced flow cell to be used in the determination of the differential refractive index increment of a sample fluid relative to a reference fluid is disclosed. The invention permits the use of smaller sample amounts without sacrificing overall sensitivity. Equally important, said improved How cell produces measurements of increased precision without requirement for increased sample amount. This is achieved by means of two chambers within said cell whose volumes are different. The sample fluid chamber is the smaller of the two with the reference fluid chamber constructed so that the incident illumination beam, upon passage through said sample chamber and displacement by the partition element located therebetween said sample and reference chambers, passes through said reference chamber without grazing any of the confining walls or striking corners of said sensitivity-enhanced flow cell. As the amount of deflection of said transmitted beam depends upon the refractive indices of the fluids relative to the transparent matter of which the containing cell is comprised, as well as the RI difference between said fluids themselves, the reference chamber is designed to transmit said incident light beam without grazing degradation thereof for all practical ranges of expected fluid and cell refractive indices. <IMAGE>
申请公布号 EP1560016(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.08.03
申请号 EP20040024332 申请日期 2004.10.13
分类号 G01N21/15;G01N21/41 主分类号 G01N21/15
代理机构 代理人