发明名称 Method and device to prevent indoor release of carbon monoxide and smoke from combustors
摘要 This patent deals with a means and device to prevent indoor release of carbon monoxide and smoke from indoor combustors (stoves, furnaces, fireplaces, etc.). The invention is based on a discovery that safe operation of indoor burners requires the air pressure in the room housing the burner to be relatively high in order to prevent generation of reverse chimney flow and indoor release of exhaust gas (smoke and carbon monoxide), which are dangerous to building occupants. This invention solves the problem by increasing the building internal pressure. Two alternative approaches are employed. One is to use a small air pump to force fresh air into the building; the other uses a special stagnation tube oriented into wind, which also forces fresh air into the building. Both approaches are unique and effective. Used together with a conventional carbon monoxide alarm device, they provide greatest protection to building occupants.
申请公布号 US2005130576(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.06.16
申请号 US20030731206 申请日期 2003.12.10
分类号 F23L17/02;F23L17/14;(IPC1-7):F23L17/02 主分类号 F23L17/02
代理机构 代理人