摘要 In Canada and the United States millions of acres of forests are lost due to forest fires. These cause not only the lass of valuable timber but in many cases the homes and fives o f people living nearby. My invention can not only help to prevent this but it also has many other advantages as I will show later in my abstract. A simple description of the above involves the use of water pipes, laid out between trees in an area of the forest to be protected againnst fire. These pipes which can be of a suitable length depending on the density of the forest can then be connected to each other with couplings, which we will call POP UPS or POPS and which would allow the water to spray the area around it. The pipes can run not only from N. to S. but would also be connected from E. to W. We take for example an area of a forestof approxmately one square mile situated close to a town or city where the homes and lives of th e peoplewould be most in danger if a forest fire were to start. A large water tank similar in size to those used by oilcompanies can be installed at a suitable spot and the pipes mentioned above are connected to this tank. Water from a nearby lake is pumped to this tank and flows through the pipes, either at predetermined timesor by remote control as and when required. For example during avery hot dry spell of weather. The idea is to keep the area of that forest saturated with water so that should a fire approach it, it would soon die. There are approximately 100 square miles of forests on our continent and to install pipes over the whole area would be prohibitively expensive. There is however no need to do this. Fires can never be completely eliminated as they can be started not only by nature but also by people like campers or hikers. The purpose is to contain them and prevent them from spreading. Pipes can be laid in one area and an identical or larger area can be left alone. In other words alternate areas can be protected. Firefighters when called to a fire and realise the fire is out of control, immedietly start to saturate with water a property next to it in the hope that the fire will not be able to ignight it. The paper industry, whole lifeblood is timber, plant their own forests and I believe it takes about 30 to 40 years for the trees to grow in Canada. Imagine waiting for this period to co me to fruition only to see the fire destroy it all. The installation of the pipes can not only help the growth o f this forest, but also prevent it's destruction. There is no reason why this advantage cannot also be had in forests not owned by them. Insurance companies pay out billions of dollars in compensation for damage caused by forest fires and these losses are reflected in the premiums they charge for all other types of insurance covers, e.g. Life, Auto, Pro- perty and any other cover, one can think of. The implimentation of the above will need the manufacture of millions of linear feet of pipes and thereby cre- ate employment for many, which in turn would reduce wellfare payments and he lp the economy. People who are given a prison term for nonviolent offences can be given the choice of either serving their full prison term or a reduced term if they are prepared to work in forest fire prevention. Th is in turn would relieve the overc- rowding of our prisons and save the government, millions of dollars a year.< /SDOAB>
申请公布号 CA2443521(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.03.29
申请号 CA20032443521 申请日期 2003.09.29
分类号 A62C3/02;A62C35/68;A62C99/00;(IPC1-7):A62C3/02 主分类号 A62C3/02
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