发明名称 Visual programming method and system thereof
摘要 A visual programming system includes one or more function modules each of which is provided with an applicable functional program or command stored in computer executable language in a processing unit to accomplish a substantial applicable function, one or more determination modules each of which is provided with a determining test stored in computer executable language in the processing unit, and commanding flow arrows connecting the function modules and determination modules in a predetermined sequence to construct a visual graphic program, wherein the visual graphic program can be compiled to machine readable codes by sending information outputted from each of the function modules and determination modules to input into another the function module or determination module that is connected thereto by the commanding flow arrows so as to construct a finish program in computer executable language in a processing unit.
申请公布号 US2005034100(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.02.10
申请号 US20030633341 申请日期 2003.08.04
分类号 G06F9/44;(IPC1-7):G06F9/44 主分类号 G06F9/44
代理机构 代理人