发明名称 Tubular direct evapn element - for saline liqs or brines
摘要 <p>Element, according to the parent patent and its additions, allows of the direct vaporisation of a soln., saline water of brine and comprise concentric horizontal tubes which separate the space into three zones; the hot zone, the vapour zone and the cold zone. The hot zone is now in the centre and is limited externally by a continuous porous tube or candle. The cold zone is limited internally by a non-porous or porous tube; the vapour zone is situated between these two partitions, one of which forms the vaporisation wall and the other the condensation wall. The appts. is principally for use in laboratories and factories for the distn. of saline water. The tubes can also be used in batteries for solar distn. In certain cases it may be of advantage to apply the heat to the central hot zone by circulating a heated fluid, by internal electric heating or by the direct circulation of the super-heated saline soln. inside the porous candle.</p>
申请公布号 FR2102637(A6) 申请公布日期 1972.04.07
申请号 FR19700029774 申请日期 1970.08.12
分类号 C02F1/14;(IPC1-7):01D3/00;02B1/00;24J3/00 主分类号 C02F1/14
代理机构 代理人