发明名称 Reusable plastic bottling system
摘要 The Reusable Plastic Bottling System is Designed to save both energy and consumer costs. By refilling Plastic Detergent Bottles at the supermarkets recycling costs can be reduced significantly. The system is also designed to reduce the amount of labeling on the bottles. Fifty five or thirty gallon drums will be placed on aluminum or steel alloy racks. Bulk plastic containers can also be used instead of drums for higher capacity and less space. The drums will be installed with faucet or electric top fill valves so the consumer can easily open the valve to refill their bottles. Container racks can be mounted to the floor with red head anchors. The rack system can easily be designed to fit in the current supermarket rack area with with drums (containers) arranged for efficiency. Drums will need to be refilled with detergent at least twice per week in most supermarkets. This estimate is based on weekly usage (Albertson's Supermarket, Costa Mesa, Cailf. store mgr. Mike Maurer). The main objective for replacing plastic detergent bottles with a reusable drum system is to save recycling and virgin resin energy costs. This system is not designed to replace other types of bottle recycling.
申请公布号 US2004079437(A1) 申请公布日期 2004.04.29
申请号 US20010886722 申请日期 2001.06.22
分类号 B67D3/00;(IPC1-7):B65B3/04;B65B1/04 主分类号 B67D3/00
代理机构 代理人