发明名称 Meetod etteantud kontsentratsiooniga soolaaerosooli saamiseks
摘要 The present invention, the method for preparation of salt aerosol with predefined s concentration belongs to the field of medical techniques. It can be used for treating respiratory tract problems and for preventive purposes, both in salt chambers of in-patient and out-patient clinics. The aim of the present invention is to develop method for preparation of salt aerosol with predefined concentration and size of salt particles activated with kinetic energy, by which dry coarse salt is directed by help of determined dosage process onto intensively operating salt-grinding instrument. The crystal structure of coarse salt breaks due to impacts with grinding instrument; the salt particles activate with kinetic energy and the aerosol with required quality is prepared in the grinding chamber by mixing of salt particles with compressed air with controlled flow. By help of such method a homogeneous salt aerosol can be prepared with predetermined concentration and salt particles activated with kinetic energy. The produced salt aerosol is directed smoothly by help of additional compressed air into the salt chamber, where the salt therapy (halotherapy) process with improved quality is carried out.
申请公布号 EE00431(U1) 申请公布日期 2004.04.15
申请号 EEU200300066U 申请日期 2003.12.09
分类号 A61K9/00;A61K33/14 主分类号 A61K9/00
代理机构 代理人