发明名称 Network of sensor nodes assemblies and method of remote sensing within liquid environments
摘要 A network of remote sensing node assemblies, a first and second of which each has a sensor element, as well as associated technique and program code for transmitting information collected about a liquid environment. The network provides the capability of sensing the liquid to collect a wide variety of types of information/data about the liquid and any surrounding environments, and transmitting from the originating node assembly to a different node within acoustic transmission range, and then transmitting further to a third node assembly where the information may be processed and communicated to a user, or further transmitted by way of suitable medium, preferably as electromagnetic signals, to a host location for processing into a compilation of data. Each of at least two sensing node assemblies has at least one sensor element adapted for operation while immersed within the liquid, a source of power, and a transducer for receiving acoustic waves/signals transmitted from another node assembly. The transducer is adapted for emitting sensor information collected by one or more sensor element(s) at that node, as well as acting as a pass-through node for information collected at other nodes. A third node assembly of the network is adapted for receiving and processing sensor information acoustically transmitted from other nodes. The third node can have its own processor unit(s) and means for transmitting sensor information to a remote host, whether originating at the third node (if so equipped) or another node assembly
申请公布号 US2004066313(A1) 申请公布日期 2004.04.08
申请号 US20030622244 申请日期 2003.07.18
分类号 G08C19/04;(IPC1-7):G08C19/04 主分类号 G08C19/04
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