发明名称 Process for modeling photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms and the universe
摘要 Processes for modeling photons, electrons, protons, neutrons and atomic nuclei; for analyzing light and other radiation, subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, mass, energy, electricity, heat, temperature, chemical reactions, fusion reactions, fission reactions, gravity and the entire universe, its evolution; and for analyzing all forces of nature. The present invention describes a new "thing" that is offered as the basic building block of everything in the universe. I call these things "trons". There are two types of trons, a plus tron and a minus tron. Trons have no inherent mass but they have a charge equal to the electron charge of about +1.6x10<-19 >Coulomb for the plus tron and about -1.6x10<-19 >Coulomb for the minus tron. The charge on each tron results in an electric force field that travels out from the tron with a velocity equal to the speed of light. The magnitude of the force field decreases as the inverse square of the distance from the point from which it started expanding. The field from an individual tron is attractive for unlike trons and repulsive for like trons. All trons are pushed and pulled by these expanding force fields. In preferred embodiments each tron is pushed away by its own force field and therefore its velocity is never less than the speed of its own force field (i.e., c in most of my preferred embodiments). This specification discloses new models for the electron, the proton and gravity not disclosed in the parent applications. In the electron model all trons are moving faster than the speed of light. All electrons except electrons "at rest" are driven by captured photons. The proton of the new model is comprised of one negatron and two positrons each driven by high energy/mass photons. Gravity in the new model results from the backward Coulomb force from photons (such as neutrinos) passing through matter pushing the matter toward the source of the photons.
申请公布号 US2004059552(A1) 申请公布日期 2004.03.25
申请号 US20030655817 申请日期 2003.09.05
分类号 G21K1/00;(IPC1-7):G06F17/10 主分类号 G21K1/00
代理机构 代理人