发明名称 Completely anonymous purchasing of goods on a computer network
摘要 A system for anonymous purchase of goods involving a Carrier who delivers the goods to the CUstomer, comprising the steps of Customer requests a Vendor's Clickshare-protected URL representing the desire to purchase some physical goods, the Vendor validates the token, determines access rights, and if a purchase is involved, the cost of the content to be delivered, the Vendor checks various Confirmation and Credit Limit thresholds, asking the Customer to confirm the purchase price, if ecessary, the Vendor asks the Customer to select a Carrier from the list of Carriers the Vendors uses, the Vendor asks CVS for a Token that represents the capability to ask a Carrier for a shipping identifier, the Vendor redirects the Customer's browser to the Carrier's server, sending the Customer's Token, the Vendor's Token, and a basic description of the packages, if available (number, weight, export restrictions), the Carrier Server validates the Vendor's Token and uses the Customer's Token to request information about the Customer, primarily their Site-Specific Customer Identifier (SCID), shipping address, and any additional shipping insturcitons stored on the Customer's Billing Agent (this process is described earlier), if the Carrier Server has not previously seen the SCID, the Server asks the Customer to release from their Billing Agent or otherwise provide the necessary shipping instructions, the Carrier Server assigns a shipping identifier and preliminary shipping costs, if possible, the Carrier Server redirects the Customer's browser back to the Vendor according to the Vendor's instrucitons, along with a Digital BoxCar (TM) containing the Server's response, the Vendor uses the CVS to authenticate the Digital Box Car (TM) and, if appropriate, adjusts the Customer's retail cost according to theresponse form the Carrier's Server, the Vendor validates the Customer's Token and logs the transaction with CVS, along with purchase price, if any, or with an identifier the Carrier will use later to fill in the shipping cost to be paid to the Carrier, the Vendor packages the physical goods, labeling the packages with the shipping identifier received from the Carrier, the Carrier picks up the packages and prints a complete label using the information it received from the Customer of their Billing Agent, if directed by the Vendor's instructions, the Carrier logs an addendum to the Vendor's transaction with the wholesale cost of the shiping to be paid directly to the Carrier rather than the Vendor, and the Carrier delivers the goods to the Customer.
申请公布号 US2004034544(A1) 申请公布日期 2004.02.19
申请号 US20030415203 申请日期 2003.04.24
分类号 G06F;G06Q10/00;G06Q30/00;(IPC1-7):G06F17/60 主分类号 G06F
代理机构 代理人