摘要 A surgical draping system separates the sterile surgical field from the unsterile surgical table and isolates the patient so that sterile surgical procedures can be performed without chance of contamination. The components of the surgical draping system are provided folded and in sterile condition inside a sealed bag container. The sealed bag is placed across an operating table prior to placement of the patient. Once the patient has been positioned on the operating table, the bag is opened and the surgical drape is extended. The draping system may include coverings for legs or arms, and a top drape. The draping system isolates the operating field in a simple and sterile manner, and can be discarded at the termination of the procedure.
申请公布号 WO03103525(A2) 申请公布日期 2003.12.18
申请号 WO2003US18255 申请日期 2003.06.10
申请人 CORBITT, JOHN, D., JR. 发明人
分类号 A61B19/02;A61B19/08;A61B19/12 主分类号 A61B19/02
代理机构 代理人