摘要 Technical novelty characterizing "FILAD", the invention for preventing exhaust fumes emission in the air, in respect to the past state of technique, is a simple construction of the invention, its functional and practical orientation not to decrease, but to prevent, emission of exhaust fumes containing pollutants in the air. "FILAD" consists of: emission speed and exhaust fumes pressure absorber (F) for process of admitting, diluting and cooling exhaust fumes; exhaust fumes aspirator (I) for process of intake and exercising pressure on exhaust fumes; exhaust fumes diluent (L) for process of diluting and tearing exhaust fumes concentration; exhaust fumes conductor (A) for process of decreasing flow pressure, diluting and conducting exhaust fumes toward carburetors; and absorbent reservoir (D) for process of dipping, cooling and mixing exhaust fumes in absorbent and transforming pollutants into liquid. Motor (Imv) in aspirator (I) and propellers (Dke) in reservoir oil sump (Dk) are driven by electric power from installations of stationary or movable air pollution sources. Absorbent (Da) consists of specified proportion of distilled water and detergent of certain quality used in everyday life. Liquid (Dt) produced by dipping and mixing exhaust fumes with absorbent (Da) can be stored, transported and used in everyday life. "FILAD" is technically feasible, and experts eager to find technical solution to the problem of how to protect quality of air, can apply it in industry and other fields. Separate parts and processes of transforming fumes into liquid can be deployed if necessary on different spots, but must be connected to reservoir (D); processes of transforming certain fumes till reaching reservoir can be shortened, and additional modifications can be made, but essence of the invention must be preserved. "FILAD" can be used for preventing emission of exhaust fumes from stationary and movable air pollution sources, such as thermal power plants, cement plants, heating stations, printing plants, foundries, motor vehicles, etc., and also on places such as production, working, hospital and open areas where minimum noise is required.
申请公布号 WO03095075(A1) 申请公布日期 2003.11.20
申请号 WO2002BA00002 申请日期 2002.09.04
分类号 B01D47/16;B01D53/14;B01D53/92;F01N3/02;F01N3/04;F01N3/08;(IPC1-7):B01D53/92 主分类号 B01D47/16
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