发明名称 Optimization of a pipelined processor system
摘要 A problem in a message-based pipelined processor system is that the pipelining features of the execution pipeline of the system can not be fully utilized when the first stages of the pipeline are awaiting the determination of a memory address by the last stage of the pipeline. The invention therefore proposes that the message-based memory addresses are determined before the messages are buffered, or even earlier, already at message sending, so that the memory addresses are ready for use as soon as message processing by the pipeline is intiated. This typically means that the address determination routine of the operating system is executed, and that the corresponding memory address is included in the relevant message before the message is buffered in the message buffers. In this way, the memory address can be loaded into the program counter and the instructions fetched right away as soon as message processing is initiated. This results in a more optimal utilization of the execution pipeline and a saving of execution time that is equal to the length of the execution pipeline (10-30) clock cycles or more). In order to handle applications with high real-time requirements, the invention introduces an update marker for indicating updates in the table used for determining the memory addresses.
申请公布号 US2003177339(A1) 申请公布日期 2003.09.18
申请号 US20030380694 申请日期 2003.05.15
分类号 G06F9/38;(IPC1-7):G06F9/30 主分类号 G06F9/38
代理机构 代理人