摘要 <p>The base of a conventional bookstand on which to support a book is a rectangular base having an area substantially as large as an opened book, whereas the invention employs a method of placing a book on a crisscross form defined by a horizontal base and a vertical base crossing each other. The horizontal and vertical bases are in the form of elongated rectangles of substantially the same size, and the vertical base placed on the horizontal base is supported for slide turning movement around the axis of a support shaft for the horizontal base. On the right and left sides of the horizontal base, the right and left side pages of a book are held down by transparent page binders having guide rods sliding in guide grooves formed inside the horizontal base. An opening/closing stand is constructed on the back surface of the horizontal base. The bookstand of the invention has been realized by laminating the four parts in the plane of the horizontal base so as to reduce the size.</p>
申请公布号 WO2003073888(P1) 申请公布日期 2003.09.12
申请号 JP2003002468 申请日期 2003.03.04
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人