发明名称 Chocolate-based material mfre
摘要 <p>Material contg cocoa butter, notably chocolate, are treated by a process in which the mass of heated material at a temp. above its max m.pt. is cooled to a second temp. pref. 28-29 degrees C., then, without overheating is brought to a third temp. between 33-34 degrees C. During the two stages the mass is cooled by a liquid at a temp only slightly lower than the final temp. of the mass at the stage under consideration. The coating assembly for the chocolate objects has an inlet for the chocolate paste and an outlet for evacuating the excess; the chocolate is circulated through a jacketted pipe system and fresh treated material is introduced into a circulating tank to compensate for that consumed. The treatment process transforms the cocoa butter into crystalline forms which give the finished chocolate a smooth, uniform and relatively dark surface; it has a relatively good thermal stability and can be stored for a long time without any tendency to acquire a 'frosted' appearance.</p>
申请公布号 FR2063186(A5) 申请公布日期 1971.07.09
申请号 FR19690029860 申请日期 1969.09.01
分类号 A23G1/18;A23G3/22;A23G3/24;(IPC1-7):23G1/00 主分类号 A23G1/18
代理机构 代理人