发明名称 Genetic tag (DNA-tag) identification system for newborns, adults, plants and animals
摘要 A wearable physical tag with miniaturized (to scale) micro scale, unique DNA profile genetic information (DNATAG(TM)) has been devised for newborns, adults, and animals which is used to test for newborn babies and parents in post-operative and release from hospitals, for clinical evaluation of adults in genetic identifications, for pre and post operative situations, for identification of missing persons and for long term clinical genetic family histories of adults. This invention would also be used in testing and identification of sport, domestic, or wild animals in lost and found conditions, including breeding characteristics. The DNATAG(TM) could be integrated into the existing means of identification, namely, Driver's licenses, Passports, Credit Cards, automated door keys and other such forms of ID. In addition, the DNATAG(TM) could be worn as a tag by an individual. This universal format (encompassing barcode, or any other means of representing the DNA profile on to a physical manifestation) of the DNATAG(TM) is read by a reader that would convert the micro scale DNA profile representation and compare the profile for the individual/animal with his/her's profile on record on a secure database. The invention also could be manifested in the form of a barcode, or any other such representations of the DNA profile.
申请公布号 US2003085274(A1) 申请公布日期 2003.05.08
申请号 US20020288928 申请日期 2002.11.06
分类号 G06K19/06;(IPC1-7):G06K5/00 主分类号 G06K19/06
代理机构 代理人