发明名称 Encapsulating form and function in user data in a relational database in order to eliminate database schema changes
摘要 A method for encapsulating the form and function of user data in a relational database that eliminates database schema changes whenever the presentation of the user data changes is described. The method comprises receiving source data, associated source data definitions and report layouts consisting of report headings and report logic. The source data definitions and the report layouts are parsed into three or more user data types: (1) an organizational type fields identifying a data collection; (2) value type fields containing data values in the data collection; and (3) procedural type fields containing one or more form keywords and function keywords. After the source data is received and parsed, the method includes the steps of: creating one or more form keywords for classifying and describing the data values that can be collected and presented based upon the source data definitions and the report headings; creating one or more function keywords for identifying an arithmetic relationship for the data values in the data collection based upon the report logic; creating blank or NotApplicable form and function keywords to indicate when a form or function keyword in the procedural type field does not apply for some user data. Next, the form keywords and the function keywords are associated with the source data based upon a conversion mapping table that specifies which of the form keywords and which of the function keywords are assigned to the source data definitions so as to create user data.
申请公布号 US6553380(B2) 申请公布日期 2003.04.22
申请号 US20000738379 申请日期 2000.12.15
分类号 G06F17/30;(IPC1-7):G06F17/30 主分类号 G06F17/30
代理机构 代理人