摘要 The pump and pump system of the present invention is designed to remove liquids, gas, sand, and coal fines from gas and/or oil well bores from close to the face rock, AKA the pay zone, AKA the producing horizon. Additionally it will enhance the utilization of existing or known available surface facilities, (compressor/compressors and a surface separator and/or separators). There is a need in the Oil and Gas Industry to develop a more efficient operating pump that is capable of operating in wells that do not have enough bottom hole pressure to lift liquids to the surface causing the well to log off with fluids and if not economic, potentially be plugged prematurely. This pump will allow producers to evolve past the well-known alternative types of artificial lift, (i.e. Pumping unit, hydraulic lift, gas lift, and plunger lift). This pump will address safety, economic and potential well bore damage prevention. Additionally, this design will allow the producer the ability to conduct well bore maintenance such as acid flushes for perforation cleaning and scale batch treating for continued scale treatment. This is due to both the fluids not being present which allows the chemicals to have better contact with the face rock without the potential of becoming diluted and the mechanical fact that there is not a packer or any other equipment located in the well bore, (between the casing and the production tubing), from the surface to the face rock that would prevent the chemicals from reaching the face rock. These chemicals can be pumped into the annulus utilizing a pump truck and would not require any additional equipment to remove the chemicals after the job such as swabbing unit. Thus, these projects can be accomplished without the costs associated with having to get a service unit on the well to remove a packer or remove existing liquids out of the well bore. The new pump will utilize energy for the "engine" from the surface natural gas compressor or compressors, which forces an adjustable amount of natural gas volume (which equates to pressure or Psig) into an axial turbine or series of turbines to create the correct amount of torque and/or revolutions per minute (RPM) required to create suction at the pump inlet or reverse axial turbine/turbines. This process will allow the pump to remove liquids, sand, coal fines, and gas from the well bore due to a void or vacuum created from the spinning of the reverse axial turbine or turbines.
申请公布号 WO03031815(A2) 申请公布日期 2003.04.17
申请号 WO2002US32462 申请日期 2002.10.09
分类号 F04B47/08;F04D13/04;F04D25/04 主分类号 F04B47/08
代理机构 代理人