摘要 <p>An encryptor 20 encrypts a data word D under control of the associated address A using two cryptographic steps. A hash function B1 converts the address A into a hashed address B1(A). A combiner 24, such as an XOR function, combines the data word D with the hashed address B1(A). The outcome is encrypted further using a block cipher B2. A writer 30 writes the encrypted word D' to the memory 60 under control of the address A.A decryptor 40 decrypts an encrypted word D' that has been read from the memory 60 under control of the associated address A. The hash function B1 converts the associated address A into a hashed address B1(A). The inverse block cipher B2-1 decrypts the encrypted word D' to an intermediate form. A decomposer, such as an XOR, produces the plaintext data word D by combining the decrypted encrypted word B2-1(D') with the hashed address B1(A).</p>
申请公布号 WO2003030441(A2) 申请公布日期 2003.04.10
申请号 IB2002003692 申请日期 2002.09.09
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人