发明名称 Computer sex and associated computer systems
摘要 A computer sex system is disclosed which is a tower unit which may be connected to a computer and may further comprise an infra-red body scanner, an inner body fluid scanner (which may require the use of tracer chemicals ingested by the user), a clothing tag detector (such that the computer system may monitor what the user is wearing), visual and environmental sensors and also a variety of sex toy accessories. The system in operation may interact with the user to provide sexual stimulation and may animate and present various characters (which may be based on real people) in a variety of scenes and scenarios. The system may also contain further functionality such as the ability to dispense medical advice, allow voting in general elections and other disparate features.
申请公布号 GB0303227(D0) 申请公布日期 2003.03.19
申请号 GB20030003227 申请日期 2003.02.13
分类号 A61H19/00;G06F19/00 主分类号 A61H19/00
代理机构 代理人