发明名称 Multilingual system and method for displaying data on a user interface
摘要 A multilingual system and methodology that displays data on a user interface for a computer system. According to the invention, the multilingual system and method is suitable for a computer system, having a detecting apparatus and the user interface configured therein. The detecting apparatus includes a BIOS and an operating system (OS). The BIOS performs functions of the computer system. The operating system (OS) controls the computer system. The user interface provides options for a user and displays a language met with the user's demand. The method comprising the steps of: (a) deciding the predetermined data that can be displayed on the user interface for the user; (b) performing a predetermined process to convert the predetermined data into a corresponding data, the predetermined data can be displayed on the user interface of the computer system; and (c) storing the corresponding data in a storage apparatus to hold the corresponding data therein, the corresponding data can be retrieved by the computer system. By utilizing the present method to display multilingual data on the user interface for supporting a ROM program, the user interface with support for one or more of a plurality of multi-byte character languages is more friendly and smoothly to the users.
申请公布号 US2003046526(A1) 申请公布日期 2003.03.06
申请号 US20020116281 申请日期 2002.04.04
分类号 G06F9/44;(IPC1-7):G06F15/177;G06F9/00;G06F9/24 主分类号 G06F9/44
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