发明名称 Improvements in porous material and method of making such material
摘要 A sintered foamed structure consisting of a metal, alloy, metal compound, metalloid compound or graphite is made by impregnating a porous organic structure such as polyurethane, polystyrene, cellulose or isocyanate sponge, with a fluidized powder suspension of the material, heating to decompose and carbonize the organic structure and finally sintering below the melting temperature. The organic structure may be a mesh, cloth or a cured foam and the powder suspension is formed with water or an organic liquid such as acetone or toluene as a thinner and a binder such as resins, e.g. silicones, epoxy phenolic, gum cellulose gel, methacrylates, alginates, P.V.A. and sugar syrup. The weight ratio of powder to binder is 1-11 parts: 1 part and the suspension may also include a thickener, e.g. a metal hydride or salt. The powder to be foamed may be W, Nb, Ta, Re, Ni, Cu, Pb, Ag, Pt, and mixtures of these, an alloy such as a Ni base containing 0.1% C, 22% Cr, 1.5% Co, 9% Mo, 0.6% W, 18.5% Fe, compounds such as NiO, CuO, WO2 and PbO, NiCo3, NiCl2, WCl6, CuCl2 which are reduced to the metal during sintering, the refractory oxides ZrO2, Al2O3, CeO and CeO2, graphite and Si3N4. The Specification includes many examples of different types of foam.ALSO:A sintered foamed structure consisting of a metal, alloy, metal compound, metalloid compound or graphite is made by impregnating porous organic structure such as polyurethane, polystyrene, cellulose or isocyanate sponge, with a fluidized powder suspension of the material, heating to decompose and carbonize the organic structure and finally sintering below the melting temperature. The organic structure may be a mesh, cloth or a cured foam and the powder suspension is formed with water or an organic liquid such as acetone or toluene as a thinner and a binder such as resins, e.g. silicones, epoxy and phenolic, gum cellulose gel, methacrylates, alginates, P.V.A., and sugar syrup. The weight ratio of powder to binder is 1 to 11 parts : 1 part and the suspension may also include a thickener, e.g. a metal hydride or salt. The powder to be foamed may be a metal or alloy (see Division C7), the refractory oxides ZrO2, Al2O3, CeO and CeO2, graphite and Si3N4. The Specification includes many examples of different types of foam.
申请公布号 GB1004352(A) 申请公布日期 1965.09.15
申请号 GB19610039444 申请日期 1961.11.03
分类号 B01D39/20;B22F3/11;C04B35/524;C04B35/584;C04B38/06 主分类号 B01D39/20
代理机构 代理人