摘要 <p>The present invention (10) discloses an optical recognition vehicular security access system that will unlock the vehicles doors (20) and or trunk (36) by capturing an iris image pattern and performing a comparative analysis with a stored iris image pattern of the operator (12). Also the optical recognition vehicular security access system provides means whereby when the handle (18) of the vehicle (14) is grasped the interior lights will light and the camera (16) will pivot to capture an iris image of the individual (12). After comparative analysis of stored iris images the door (20) will be unlocked if an authorized match is found or an alarm (24) will be sounded. Furthermore, the optical recognition vehicular security acces system has an interior audible alarm (24) that will be triggered by comparative analysis of real time images of the driver (12) with a stored image pattern to determine if the driver is falling asleep. The optical recognition vehicular security access system also has fiber optics cables (50) which are used to transport light in the visible and infrared spectrums to the camera (16) for capturing an image pattern to be used in comparative analysis of the stored image pattern. In addition, the optical recognition vehicular security access system has a programmable control keypad (30) which will be used to define characteristics of the system, such as, programming restriction parameters for an image. For example, a teenage driver could be coded for daylight driving only. Also the system provides an external keypad (26) which will provide access to the vehicle (14) without facial recognition such as, when a computer (28) failure occurs or inclement weather prevents the computer from recognizing the driver due to an ice or snow storm.</p>
申请公布号 WO2003002387(A1) 申请公布日期 2003.01.09
申请号 US2001020242 申请日期 2001.06.26
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人