发明名称 Graphical method and system for visualizing performance levels in time-varying environment
摘要 Presented is a method and system for visually depicting performance levels in a workplace experiencing time-varied workloads. Call centers, an example of such workplaces, are complex environments that receive a plurality of incoming calls regarding a number of different issues. Each call center establishes metrics to answer a certain percentage of calls within a certain period of time. A graphical depiction using a reference time period as the horizontal axis, such as the length of work day, and a response time, such as the length of time an incoming caller has to wait before being answered, on the vertical axis can be used to convey to a call center manager a call centers ability to meet its metric. As calls come into the call center a symbol is placed horizontally on the graph corresponding to the time during the reference time period that the call was received and vertically according to the time the caller had to wait before a call center agent answered the call. Superimposed on the graph, as a horizontal line is the call center service metric indicating the time by which it is desired that a certain percentage of calls are answered. Additionally calls that are abandoned by the caller before being answered can be differentiated on the graph using a different color or symbol shape.
申请公布号 US2003002653(A1) 申请公布日期 2003.01.02
申请号 US20010894227 申请日期 2001.06.27
分类号 H04M3/36;H04M3/51;(IPC1-7):H04M3/00;H04M5/00 主分类号 H04M3/36
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