摘要 <p>An agent (14) obtains data from a device (19) by receiving a plug-in (26) containing system calls for obtaining the data from the device (19), loading the plug-in into the agent (14), obtaining the data from the device using the system calls, and transmitting the data over an external network (12) using one or more of a plurality of protocols. The data is provided to a client (30) by formatting the data, and making the formatted data accessible to a client (30) via the external network (12). Data indicative of an operating state of a machine is automatically and repeatedly collected. Information related to the collected date is automatically transmitted to a location remote from the machine. The information is transmitted in the form of electronic mail messages complying with standard electronic mail messaging protocol.</p>
申请公布号 WO2002093399(A1) 申请公布日期 2002.11.21
申请号 US2002014885 申请日期 2002.05.10
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人