发明名称 Image scaling
摘要 A method and a system for scaling a digital source image consisting of a grid of X by Y pixels into a target image of a different resolution comprises the steps of/tools for: mapping the source pixels onto the target pixels; scaling the source image in the X or Y direction to produce intermediate pixels that are scaled in one direction by determining contributions to each intermediate pixel using a digital filter and accumulating the contributions for each intermediate pixel, wherein each source pixel contributes to one or more intermediate pixels and each intermediate pixel receives contributions from one or more source pixels; and subsequently scaling the intermediate pixels in the other direction by determining the contributions to each target pixel using the filter and accumulating the contributions for each target pixel; wherein each intermediate pixel contributes to one or more target pixels and each target pixel receives contributions from one or more intermediate pixels. The method is preferably carried out on a PE array in an SIMD (Simple Instruction Multiple Data) device.
申请公布号 US2002154123(A1) 申请公布日期 2002.10.24
申请号 US20020050880 申请日期 2002.01.18
分类号 G06T3/40;(IPC1-7):G06T11/00 主分类号 G06T3/40
代理机构 代理人