摘要 <p>Then invention refers to a device for a respirator. A pipe member (2) is arranged to be intodruced into the tracheaof a patient. The respirator (1) is arranged to supply inhalation gas va the pipe member (2) to the lungs of the patient and to discharge exhalation gas via the pipe member (2) from the lungs of the patient. At least a first passage (5-7) connects the pipe member (2) to the respirator (1) and is at least arranged to permit discharge f he exhalation gas. A second passage (5, 6, 14) extends between the pipe member (2) and a source (13), which provides a sub-pressure. A third pasage connectsthe pipe member to the respirator and is arranged ot perment and supply of inhalation gas. A valve arrangement (20) is, in an active state during a short period of time, arranged to keep the second passage (5, 6, 14) open.</p>
申请公布号 WO2002072184(A1) 申请公布日期 2002.09.19
申请号 SE2002000486 申请日期 2002.03.14
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人