发明名称 Drum stik
摘要 EnviroTime, Inc. (sole inventor: William J. Bugg) is disclosing a new invention called, "The Drum Stik". This invention is an original, unique tool to adequately measure the amount of liquid material in a 30 or 55-gallon drum. This product is a cost saving solution for waste hauler, waste generators, and environmental professionals. This invention is a specialty product with unique features. The product is to provide hazardous and non-hazardous waste generators a tool for accurately measuring the amount of liquid waste prior to shipment offsite. The hole in the handle of "The Drum Stik" is so the customer can slide a rag through the end of the stick and wipe off the residual oil or liquid that accumulates on the stick during the measuring process. The height of the liquid in the drum is captured in the notches on the stick. Therefore, the level of the liquid can be read off of the notch on the stick. The notches are specifically calculated to coordinate with the typical dimensions of a standard 30-gallon and 55-gallon hazardous waste drums. Prior to a shipment of waste offsite for disposal, a generator can take more precise measurements, instead of relying on the waste hauler to estimate the volume of liquid waste. Depending on the types of hazardous or non-hazardous material that is being measured, this product comes in two different materials: metal and plastic sticks. The plastic stick will be chemically treated for different types of acids and caustic materials. The metal stick version will be for primarily oils and other petroleum based materials. This product is a cost saving solution for all users and customers. We are protecting the unique design and utility under a patent application.
申请公布号 US2002124642(A1) 申请公布日期 2002.09.12
申请号 US20010802009 申请日期 2001.03.09
分类号 G01F23/04;(IPC1-7):G01F23/00 主分类号 G01F23/04
代理机构 代理人