发明名称 Solid-state organic maser
摘要 A solid-state, paramagnetic-diamagnetic maser for controlling the amplification and direction of electromagnetic emissions from a molecular control system, such as insect pheromones. The solid-state maser includes a paramagnetic layer of, for example, a mixture of andosite, basalt and granite. The paramagnetic layer is disposed onto a diamagnetic base. A burlap or hairy cloth impregnated with the molecular control system is placed over the paramagnetic layer, such that the paramagnetic energy amplifies the molecular control system to produce coherent or semi-coherent electromagnetic emissions. The molecular control system can be a semiochemical (such as, insect pheromones), garlic scent, perfume, deodorant, air freshener, similar molecules, infrared coded emissions from any system that controls or effects living organisms, and the like. The solid-state maser of the present invention is an organic and biodegradable device that is tuned and modulated by existing and naturally occurring atomospheric frequencies. Moreover the device provides a highly efficient and effective solution for pest control and improving plant growth, without having to exterminate the pests or distribute chemicals that may harm the environment or increase health risks for humans.
申请公布号 US2002125419(A1) 申请公布日期 2002.09.12
申请号 US20020066807 申请日期 2002.02.06
分类号 H01S1/00;(IPC1-7):H01S1/00 主分类号 H01S1/00
代理机构 代理人