发明名称 System for sharing CPU time amongst multiple users
摘要 A computer system allocates processor time to multiple users. A systems operator or other administrator specifies to the computer a share of processor time for each user. The share can be absolute or relative. The system executes users which are I/O bound with processor time less than their respective, specified share(s) by not using significant processor time on users which are waiting for an I/O operation to complete but expediting allocation of a processor to users after their respective I/O operations complete. The system executes users which are CPU bound with processor time greater than their respective, specified share(s) based on their respective shares in relation to a sum of shares of other CPU bound users but excluding shares of I/O bound users. For each user there is also a specified "soft limit", "hard limit" or "no limit". When any hard limit user reaches its hard limit, no further allocation is made. When any soft limit user reaches its soft limit, no further allocation is made to this soft limit user if any other soft limit user has yet to reach its soft limit or any other hard limit user has yet to reach its hard limit or if there are any unlimited users which can use more processor time.
申请公布号 US6430592(B1) 申请公布日期 2002.08.06
申请号 US19940252864 申请日期 1994.06.02
分类号 G06F9/48;G06F9/50;(IPC1-7):G06F9/00 主分类号 G06F9/48
代理机构 代理人