摘要 The invention relates to a system meant for detectThe invention relates to a system meant for detecting the presence of the aircrafts flying at very ling the presence of the aircrafts flying at very low altitude, in the shadow cone of the radars. Theow altitude, in the shadow cone of the radars. The system for detecting the presence of the aircraft system for detecting the presence of the aircrafts flying in a plain zone, at a very low altitude,es flying in a plain zone, at a very low altitude,employs a primary chain of sound barriers (A) by memploys a primary chain of sound barriers (A) by means of which all the noises along the entire chainans of which all the noises along the entire chain are sensed, followed by a secondary chain (C) of are sensed, followed by a secondary chain (C) of sound barriers (eta'i) equally spaced with respectsound barriers (eta'i) equally spaced with respect to the sound barriers (eta i) in the first chain( to the sound barriers (eta i) in the first chain(A) and longitudinally staggered with half the distA) and longitudinally staggered with half the distance (l) between two adjacent sound barriers (eta ance (l) between two adjacent sound barriers (eta u i and eta i+1) of the main chain (A), both chainu i and eta i+1) of the main chain (A), both chains (A and C) transmitting signals to a control and s (A and C) transmitting signals to a control and signal unit (UC) where the noises of a target flyisignal unit (UC) where the noises of a target flying over both barrier chains (A, C) are selected, sng over both barrier chains (A, C) are selected, simultaneously with determining the position, the simultaneously with determining the position, the speed and the direction of flight of the target. Thpeed and the direction of flight of the target. The system for detecting the presence of the aircrafe system for detecting the presence of the aircrafts flying in zones with valleys, cloughs, mountaints flying in zones with valleys, cloughs, mountainpasses, narrow passes, in the shadow cone of the rpasses, narrow passes, in the shadow cone of the radars employs a chain of barriers (u, v, w) placedadars employs a chain of barriers (u, v, w) placed lengthwise the valley, clough, mountain pass or n lengthwise the valley, clough, mountain pass or narrow pass (ro) which transmits signals to a contrarrow pass (ro) which transmits signals to a control and signal unit (UC) which selects the noisesm ol and signal unit (UC) which selects the noisesm ade by a target entering the zone. ade by a target entering the zone.
申请公布号 RO112059(B1) 申请公布日期 2002.07.30
申请号 RO19900146387 申请日期 1990.11.23
分类号 G01S15/04 主分类号 G01S15/04
代理机构 代理人